Paradise Of Bali

Paradise Of Bali

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Example Conversation at Reseption


 Example of guest arrival receiving through  reservation /  contoh percakapan Menerima tamu tiba dengan pemesanan kamar
Good Morning, welcome to Duta Beach Hotel Can I help you ?
Yes, Please. I ‘d like to check – in
Do you have a reservation ?
Yes, I do. The name is Tanto Leo. I made a reservation for myself and my wife 
One moment please ! Yes I’ ve got it. Mr Leo A double Room for three nightand your address in jakarta. Is that right ?
 Yes That’s right.
Would you like to fill the registration card please Mr Leo ?
Yes Please ,
When the guest fill the registration card receptionist :
·         Fill the guest card,
·         Give sign E A List  ( V )
·         Prepare, meal coupon, and key room )
After the guest fill registration card receptionist :
·         Check the registration card and please your complete it
·         Read the registration card
·         Give information about your hotel ( in / out hotel )
All right Mr Leo are you ready go to your room now please ?
Yes Please ?
Mr Leo, This Your Bellboy his name is Riki will you bring the room number # 405 .
Mr Leo I hope you will be enjoy stay at our hotel and if you need something please you call the reception. 
Thank you very much.
You are well come .

*      Example for conversation walk in guest / Contoh percakapan dalam menerima tamu tiba tanpa pemesanan kamar

Menyambut, Menanyakan keadaan, menawarkan bantuan.
Greeting, Ask about the situation, Offer the help
·         Good Morning, Sir / Madam, Wellcome to Rocky Plaza Hotel ‘’
·         Houw about your trip, Sir / Madam ?’’
·         May I Help you ? ”
Menanyakan apakah tamu telah membuat
Pemesanan kamar / belum
Ask have the guest have reservation before ?
·         ”Have you make a reservation before, Sir / Madam ? “
Menanyakan berapa kamar yang diperlukan, jumlah orang yang
Menempati kamar dan lamanya tinggal
Ask how many room , how many person and how long the guest stay
·         “How many room do you need and for how many people , Sir / Madam ?”
·         “How long do you will stay in our hotel, Sir / Madam ?
Mengecek kamar yang dibutuhkan oleh tamu  pada room rack
Check the room for room rack
·         “Just a moment Sir / Madam, I will check your room,
It’ s available or not !”
Menawarkan kamar sesuai dengan jenis kamar yang diinginkan dan menerangkan fasilitas kamar beserta harga kamar
Offer the room and exsplain about the room facilities
·           “ We have a double room and twin room, there are in the
   second floor and third floor, the rate are US$ 90.000 for the
  double room and US4 80.000 for twin room the facilities are
 which one do you choose ?”
Menanyakan nama tamu ( nama depan dan nama keluarga )
Beserta ejaan yang benar
Ask the righ guest of name
·         “May I know your name , Sir / Madam ?”
·         “And could you spelling it !”
Mengisi kartu pendaftaran dan menawarkan bantuan pulpen
Fill the registration card and offer the pen
·         Mr. Andre, Would you like fill in
this registration card, please !” and here is a pen”
Membaca Guest Card
Read guest card
“Mr Andre your room number is 345, the rate is Rp 234.000 plus 21 %  tax and service, you will stay with us
for 5 night till 28  of August 2004 ! is that right ?”
Memanggil Bellboy
Call the Bellboy
“Bellboy please, Mr Andre this is our Bellboy  his name is Andi, Andi this our guest, the name is Mr Andre.
Please escort Mr Andre to his room, The room number is 345. Here are the key and the guest card
Mengucapkan Salam Istirahat
Say rest greeting
“Okay Mr Andre, I hope you have a nice stay in our hotel and if you need any assistance please dial number 2 for Reception, number 3 for Housekeeping and number 4 for Restaurant
Menyelesaikan Administrasi
Finishing administration
 Arrival list / book
Daftar A
Room Rack Slip
Guest Bill / Guest Account

*      Example for conversation walk in guest / Contoh percakapan dalam menerima tamu tiba tanpa pemesanan kamar

Good morning Sir / Madam, Wellcome to Hilton Hotel May I help you ?
Good Morning. I want to stay here
Have you made a reservation before,
Sir / Madam ?
Not yet
By the way How about your trip, Sir / Madam ?
It ‘ s nice
How many room do you want and for how many person, Sir / Madam ?
I want one room for two person.
How long do you will stay in our hotel, Sir/ Madam ?
For 5 night
Just a moment Sir / Madam. I will check your room for the period. ( The receptionist check it the room rack ). Oh, You are lucky Sir / Madam we have a room for that period and we have two kind of room. There are double and twin room and the rate for the double room is US$ 90.00 and for the twin room is US$ 70.00. There are in the first floor and second floor. Which one do you want Sir / Madam ?  
I take a double room in the second floor.
May I explain about your room facilities, Sir / Madam ?
The double room is a room with one bed for two person and the facilities such as private balcony and bath room, Ac, Televition with 5 channel, Radio, Minibar, …… By the way Sir / Madam, May I know your name  and could you spell it for me  to make sure I write your name not wrong. 
My name is Andre  A-N-D-R-E
Thank you Mr Andre ( the receptionist check again the registration card to make sure every thing is right and then she / he fill in the other blank coloum ) May I know how about your payment, Sir?
I will pay by cash
Excuse me, Sir  for information our check out time is 13.00 PM and may I know in what time will you check out, Sir ?
I will check out at 11.00 AM
And do you have special request during your stay in our hotel, Sir ?
Certainly, I need a newspaper. What kind of newspaper do you have ?
We have Kompast Pos, Media Indonesia Post, Jakarta Pos, and Tempo Post. Which one do you like Sir ?
Kompas Post.
All right, Mr Andre, our Bellboy will deliver your Kompast Post Every Morning. Just a moment ,Sir, I will check your room is ready or not. Oh I’ M sorry Sir your room isn’t ready yet . Could you wait for 5 minute. For your waitng, May I explain about Hotel facilities, Sir?
We have a Japanese Restaurant, Indonesian Restaurant, and Chinese Restaurant. They open form 08.00 AM until 22.00 PM, and the location in the first floor, and also we have a swimming pool, laundry, business centre, beaty salon, coffe shop, There are in the second floor.
Yes, it is
Mr Andre, our Bellboy will escort you to your room. Bellboy please. Mr Andre, this is our Bellboy his name is Bobo. Please escort Mr Andre to his room, the number is 277, here the key and the guest card.
Mr Andre, are you ready to go to your room ?
Yes of course.
Mr Andre, I hope you have nice stay in our hotel and if you need any assistance please dial number 2 for Reception, number 3 for Housekeeping, number 4 for the Restaurant

*      Receiving group guest / Menerima Tamu Tiba Rombongan

General Manager
Good morning, Well come to Sheraton Hotel , Thank you for your stay at our hotel. 
Selamat pagi, selamat dating di Hotel Sheraton, Terima kasih anda tinggal di hotel kami.
Tour Leader
Good morning too,, we  love to live in this hotel because the situation is a real balmy, oh yeah  introduces my name is Andre and coincidently I leading this group.
Selamat pagi juga, kami sangat senang tinggal di hotel ini karena suasananya yang sangat nyaman, oh ya perkenalkan nama saya Andre dan kebetulan saya yang memimpin rombongan ini. 
General Manager
Welcomes   and please  sit in lobby enjoys well come drink while  awaiting to enter room  and hopefully love to live in our hotel.
 { then General manager ask to tour  leader to  check in }.
(  Meanwhile the guest luggage  handle by  Bellboy )
Selamat datang sekali lagi saya ucapkan dan silahkan untuk duduk di lobby menikmati well come drink sambil menunggu untuk masuk kamar dan semoga senang tinggal di hotel kami.
( kemudian General manager mempersilahkan pimpinan rombongan untuk mendaftar / check in.
( Sementara itu barang – barang tamu rombongan sudah terlebih dahulu dihandel oleh petugas Bellboy )
Good Morning, welcome to Sheraton Hotel and can  I help you ?
Selamat  pagi, selamat dating di Hotel Sheraton , apakah yang dapat saya Bantu ?
Tour Leader
Oh yeah, we have reservation one month before, 5 double,6 single, and 1 suite.
Oh ya kami sudah pesan satu bulan yang lalu 5 double, 6 single dan 1 suite .
I am sorry, your name group is Dara Group ? 
Maaf apakah nama group anda Dara Group
Tour Leader
Yes, that’s right
Ya benar sekali.
Do you want change of the room ?
Kalau boleh tahu apakah ada perobahan dengan pesanan yang sudah dilakukan ?
Tour Leader
I think no
Saya rasa tidak
All righ , would you like to fill the registration card.
Baiklah, sudikah anda untuk mengisi kartu registrasi ini
Tour Leader
Oh yeah, with pleasure
{ After guest ready to fill registration card , receptionist will deliver tray containing guest card, room  key, etc to Bellboy.)
(  Bellboy will deliver at member of group based on checklist of the rooming list / group information ).
At the time of delivering room  key and guest card Bellboy will give  direction each  room .
Oh Ya dengan senang hati.
( setelah tamu siap mengisi kartu registrasi maka receptionist akan menyerahkan baki yang berisi kartu tamu, kunci kamar, dll  kepada Bellboy.)
( Bellboy akan menyerahkan pada anggota rombongan berdasarkan daftar nama yang ada pada rooming list  / group information ).
Pada saat menyerahkan kunci kamar dan kartu tamu Bellboy akan menunjukan arah daripada kamar tamu masing – masing.
Thank you very much to your visit to our hotels and we hope you enjoy stay in here.
{ After the guest entering the room, receptionist will continiuing filling of administration }

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungan anda ke hotel kami dan kami harap anda senang tinggal di sini.
( Setelah tamu masuk kamar maka petugas Receptionist akan melanjutkan pengisian administrasi selanjutnya )

*      Handling  the guest change of the room   / Menangani tamu pindah kamar
Good afternoon, can I help you ?
Selamat siang , ada yang dapat saya Bantu ?
I want move of the room
Saya ingin pindah kamar
My I know your name sir, and room number, and why your reason change of the room ?
Boleh saya tahu  nama  bapak dan nomor kamar serta  alasan Bapak untuk pindah kamar ?
Oh yeah, my name is Hendra, my room number is # 304, the bathtub is leak.
Oh ya nama saya Hendra ,nomor kamarnya  # 304 Bathtub nya bocor.
We are on behalf of  Borobudur  hotel apologizes to this case . Well Mr Hendra,  If you  wish to move  room  which be occupied that there are still with the same room type ?

Kami atas nama Hotel Borobudur mohon maaf atas kejadian ini . Baiklah Bapak Bambang kalau memang Bapak ingin pindah apakah kamar yang akan ditempati masih dengan jenis kamar yang sama ?
Oh that’s right, But I want the room facing the beach.
Oh ya tentu, tapi kalau dapat saya ingin kamarnya menghadap ke pantai.
Would you like wait a moment ? I will check before.
Mr Hendra the room is available, Do you want to move as soon as possible ?
Sebentar ya Pak, saya akan cek terlebih dahulu.
Bapak Hendra kamar yang anda maksud ada apakah anda ingin pindah segera ?
Oh yeah, I want take rest
Oh ya, karena saya ingin istirahat
All right Mr Hendra , I will send the Bellboy to bring your luggage.
Baiklah Bapak Hendra saya akan mengirim Bellboy untuk membantu membawa barangnya.
Thanks you, I will wait the Bellboy
Terima kasih, saya tunggu kedatangan Bellboynya.
You are well come.
Terima kasih kembali.

2 komentar:

  1. Terima kasih sekar, aku jadi lebih mengerti front office dan tahu dialog yg digunakan

  2. @winda arini, Urwel winda, disini saya hanya ingin berbagi informasi, apakah anda mempelajari juga hal yang berhubungan dengan Front office ? jadi percakapan ini bisa digunakan saat praktek di reseption
